ThoughtCore’s Approach

At the core of ThoughtCore’s approach is questioning, deployed in a methodology we refer to as “gentle inquiry.” We push our clients’ thinking in ways that thoroughly test and crystallize strategies, strategic plans, and the functions and processes by which they are supported.

Gentle Inquiry

In our overarching value-add for your organization, we ask the questions you may not be thinking of. This questioning is done “gently,” meaning respectfully and empathetically. In this mode, we may, nevertheless, ask questions that some in your organization may be avoiding (consciously or subconsciously), perhaps because of a personal or role-based stake in the answer.

Third-Party Objectivity

Precisely because ThoughtCore sits outside of your organization, we are helpfully free of the unexamined assumptions and unacknowledged motives and biases that can lead to less-than-optimal strategy-shaping and decision-making.

Advanced Decision-Making

Our primary mission is to advance your organization’s effectiveness at making critical decisions on go-forward strategies and the structures and resources that support them – allowing you to make those decisions with increasing knowingness and intentionality.

One key way we ensure greater effectiveness is by modeling strategic thinking. We guide leaders and other stakeholders on how to always be thinking strategically, even when the decision at hand may seem to be an operational one.

Cross-Organizational Commitment

ThoughtCore helps your organization conduct strategy-shaping and strategic planning in such a way that cross-organizational commitment to the go-forward is firmly achieved. While arriving at universal consensus on a strategy may be the desired state, functional commitment to executing on it is often sufficient for market success.

To that end, ThoughtCore provides guidance on how to ensure that all necessary leaders, stakeholders and other contributors of key insight and perspective have an opportunity for input. Put simply, weigh in leads to buy in.

What You Can Expect

With ThoughtCore as your model and guide, your organization will become a well-oiled thinking machine. The result will be a more planful, intentional organization – much less reactive or ad hoc in its decision-making. You will waste less time and resources on fruitless pursuits, instead shifting time and attention to thoughtful strategies that substantially add to your value proposition, your growth trajectory and, ultimately, your bottom line.