ThoughtCore’s Services

Strategy Sounding Board

Your organization may be exploring a new growth strategy, facing a pivot versus persevere decision, or working to align the organization for effective execution. In such scenarios, it can become necessary – even critical – to gain perspective from an objective third-party.

Bounce your ideas off ThoughtCore and allow us to pressure-test them for validity and feasibility. Invite ThoughtCore to ask the questions you may not be thinking of and to push the investigation more deeply and thoroughly.

Strategic Thinking Leadership Training

As your organization’s mentor and guide, ThoughtCore offers training for leaders and key contributors whose roles demand that they sharpen their capabilities in thinking strategically.

What questions should they be asking? What lenses should they be pointing at their business areas? By modeling approaches to thinking and questioning, ThoughtCore provides the foundation for your organization to advance and excel as a rigorously strategic one.

Strategy & Planning Function/Process Design

As your organization evolves and matures, it may want to formalize a strategy function and/or strategic planning process. Not only will ThoughtCore assess the need and readiness, but we can also recommend a workable architecture that suits your organization’s culture.

On its own or as a subset of a strategy function, a formalized strategic planning and performance-to-plan review process is a sign of organizational maturation. In addition to assessment and design, ThoughtCore stands at-the-ready as an implementation resource. Lean on us to guide new or revamped planning cycles.

Let’s connect.

Schedule a call to learn more about ThoughtCore’s services.