Strategy Sounding Board

Let’s be honest.

Sometimes you have a great, strategically sound idea. But, at other times, you may not. How can you tell the difference? Well, it can be hard to tell, especially when you’re close to it. The strategy or initiative may be your idea, personally. It may even be your baby, so to speak. 

Invite ThoughtCore to determine whether or not the strategy or initiative can withstand external scrutiny. With no personal stake in the answer, we will candidly offer our take on whether or not the idea has merit. After all, when you have skin in the game, you are vulnerable to getting bruised. The only skin ThoughtCore has in your game is helping you make wise decisions in pursuit of your organization’s desired future state.

Our Strategy Sounding Board services are available to individuals or groups from the C-suite to functional area leaders. We are prepared to engage with any or all of them – openly, empathetically, respectfully. We’ll launch what we refer to as “gentle inquiry” – diving into the strategy, initiative, or idea, examining it from various angles, and ensuring that you leave no stones of critical consideration unturned.

As always, we’re prepared to ask the questions your leaders and stakeholders may not be asking but should be.

That’s pressure-testing. That’s ThoughtCore as your Strategy Sounding Board.

Contact us today to explore our strategy sounding board services.